To install the Twin Stick unit in the transmitter the back panel
must first be removed; this procedure is shown in detail in fi-
gure 2.
First disconnect the battery cable, then remove the four screws
from the front panel which hold the dual-axis stick unit which
you wish to replace. The two connecting leads to the main cir-
cuit board must then be disconnected. The original stick unit
can now be removed from the case and stored in a safe place
for possible later use.
Now you can install the Twin Stick unit in its place using the
same four screws. Connect the two cables to the sockets on
the main circuit board which you have just vacated. Finally seal
the trim slider slots in the transmitter case with the adhesive
strips provided. The operating instructions provided with the
Navy Twin Stick unit include full details of installing, connecting
and setting up the unit.
The F-14 is an extremely flexible and versatile RC system
which can be fitted with a wide variety of optional modules.
If you really need all the possible options in terms of modules,
switches and adjustors, it is possible to install a Multi-Switch
module in the auxiliary option well in the lower section of the
transmitter. The only extra part you need is a special cover
plate with 6 or 8 openings Fig. 24 shows one of these two co-
Fig. 24
Fig. 23