GOV. Expert(Governor Expert Setting)
GOV. Expert(Governor Expert Setting)
(6) Revo. Up Dly: Revolution change up delay
How quickly the RPM changes when increasing RPM between two different
RPM conditions and flight modes. A higher number slows the RPM change
rate; a lower value speeds up the RPM change rate.
Setting ranges: 2 ~ 40 Frm Initial value: 8 Frm
(7) Revo. Dn Dly: Revolution change down delay
How quickly the RPM changes when reducing RPM between two different
RPM conditions and flight modes. A higher number slows the RPM change
rate; a lower value speeds up the RPM change rate.
Setting ranges: 2 ~ 40 Frm Initial value: 10 Frm
(8) Start Dly: Start delay
How quickly the RPM stabilizes to the set RPM from when the GOV is
turned ON. A higher value slows down the spool up rate; a lower value
speeds up the spool up rate.
Setting ranges: 2 ~ 20 Frm Initial value: 5 Frm
(9) Gov. On. Revo: Governor ON revolution setting
This parameter tells the governor at what percentage of the set rpm it is to
become active. The default value is 60%. In this case, the governor will not
engage until the engine rpm reaches 60% of the set rpm. If you feel that
the time for governor engagement is too slow, decrease the value to 50 ~
55%. The starting time will be faster.
Setting ranges: 50 ~ 90% Initial value: 60%
(10) BFS. Volt: Battery F/S voltage setting
This parameter sets the battery fail safe and low battery alarm voltage
levels, or thresholds. Set the proper voltage as determined by the bat-
tery type. The battery characteristics are different depending on cell type/
Suggested setting voltages are as follows.
• 4 cells NiCd or NiMH (Normal: 4.8 v) = 3.8 v
• 2 cells LiFe (Normal: 6.6 v) = 6.0 ~ 6.2 v
• 2 cells LiPo (Normal: 7.4 v) = 7.2 ~ 7.4 v
(11) Low. Revo: Low revolution setting
This value is set to assign the lowest possible governing RPM. If the RPM is
below, or can not reach this RPM, the governor will not engage. Select be-
tween either 1,000 rpm or 700 rpm. It corresponds also to a helicopter with a
rotor speed of 1,000 rpm or less, such as a large gas machine.
Setting: 700 / 1,000 rpm Initial setting: 1000 rpm
(12) RESET : Governor expert data reset
This resets the "GOV. EXPERT" setting back to the defaults.