4. Next you may set the elevator. Press the SELECT key to display the “CH2” and flashing “%”
sign. Use the DATA INPUT lever to set the percentage of elevator travel rate from -100% to
5. Next you may set the rudder. Press the SELECT key to display the “CH4” and flashing “%”
sign. Use the DATA INPUT lever to set the percentage of rudder travel rate from -100% to
6. Once this mix has been activated, move the servos to their full extremes to make certain
they are not overdriving the controls. If necessary, adjust the linkages to achieve the correct
control throws.
ELVN Elevon mixing (ACRO only)
*If necessary, use the Servo Reversing
function to achieve the correct direction of
servo throws.
Intended for tailless, “flying wing” models such as delta wings and flying wings,
elevon mixing mixes channel 1 (aileron) to channel 2 (elevator) allowing the
elevons to operate in unison (as elevators) or in opposition (as ailerons). This
function requires that each elevon be operated by a separate servo.
To activate elevon mixing:
1. Connect the servo in the right wing to channel 2 (elevator) in the receiver and
connect the servo in the left wing to channel 1 (aileron) in the receiver.
2. Enter the programming mode. Access the “
” screen with the MODE key.
You cannot set “
” mixing when “
” or “
” mixing has already been set. In
order to enable “
” mixing, you first need to cancel both “Flaperon” and “V-tail” mixing.