To engineer a 2.4GHz aircraft system with this level
of sophistication requires exceptional experience and
expertise. For nearly 15 years Futaba has been utilizing
spread spectrum technology in industrial R/C applications.
So when it came to adapting that technology to meet the
unique demands of R/C flying, Futaba devoted the extra
research and development necessary to create a system
that’s head and shoulders above the competition.
6EX w/2.4GHz FASST System
Size and weight —
The R606FS measures 1.64 x 1.08 x 0.36 inches and weighs just 7
grams without the case...perfect for park flyers, but powerful enough
to easily control giant-scale models too. It’s the best of both worlds!
Full-range capability —
The competition’s full-range system includes a bigger, two-piece
receiver; a smaller park flyer receiver must be purchased separately.
The compact R606FS unit offers “all-in-one” convenience!
Antenna stress relief —
Unlike other receivers, the R606FS uses rubber grommets to minimize
stress on the antennas. This helps prevent the antenna wire from
fraying, and possibly putting your model at risk.
Installation ease —
The single R606FS unit can be installed without making any
modifications. The competitor’s 2.4GHz system requires that their two
receivers be mounted in separate locations.
Number of connections —
The competition’s two receivers mean two additional connection
points, doubling the potential for a problem.
The heart of the FASST system is the R606FS receiver:
there’s no other 2.4GHz receiver like it!
The 6EX: computer programming functions and features that are state-of-the-art!
Standard Programming Functions
• Model Select — six model memory.
• Model Type — select airplane or heli programming in one transmitter.
• Servo Reversing — on all six channels.
• Dual Rate/Exponential — for ailerons, elevator and rudder.
• End Point Adjustment — fine-tunes servo throws on all six channels.
• Digital Trim — stores trim settings for each model for aileron, elevator,
rudder and throttle.
• Fail Safe — a safety throttle setting in case of loss of
transmitter signal.
• Battery Fail Safe — moves the throttle to a preset position when the
airborne pack reaches 3.8V.
• Stick Mode — choose from Mode 1 through 4.
• Range Checking — Power Down reduces transmitter output power for
up to one minute, allowing range checking from 50 paces away.
• Changeable Throttle Stick — select ratchet for airplanes or smooth
for helis.
• Adjustable Stick Length — choose the length that suits your
flying style.
Airplane-Specific Programming Functions
• Wing Mixing — for flaperon, flap trim, V-tail and elevon.
• Trainer System — with the transmitter as either the master or student
system. Compatible with other Futaba systems.
• Throttle Cut — pre-programmed for safely shutting off the engine.
• Programmable Mixing (1 & 2) — two different mixes allow any two
channels to be combined.
Helicopter-Specific Programming Functions
• 5-Point Normal and Idle Up Throttle/Pitch Curves.
• Throttle Hold — for autorotation.
• Revo (Revolution Mixing) — mixes rudder and pitch together.
• Gyro Mixing — two gyro gain settings can be programmed and
selected during flight.
• Swash to Throttle Mixing — corrects slowing of the engine’s speed
caused by the swashplate.
• Swashplate Types — choose from 1S (independent aileron, pitch
and elevator servos linked to the swashplate), 3S (120° CCPM), or
3E (90° CCPM).
• Swash AFR — Adjustable Function Rate, for use with 1S, 3S or 3E
swash types.
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