-Digital trim w/reset function
The current trim position is displayed on the LCD screen. The operating amount of 1 step
can also be adjusted.
Trim operation has no affect on the maximum travel of the steering and throttle servos.
-Function select dial function (DIAL)
This function assigns functions to dials (digital trim, grip dial, knob). The step amount and
operating direction can also be adjusted. Trim positioning at each model call is unnecessary
because all the dials are digital.
-Function select switch function (SWTCH)
This function assigns functions to 3 switches. The operating direction can also be set.
This is a dedicated function which allows setting of the contents of the Link software which
makes possible Futaba speed controller (ESC), MC850C, MC601C, MC410CR, etc. variable
frequency and other data changes by PC at the T4PK.
-Edit button lock & trim/dial lock functions
Lock functions which prohibit setting and operation by transmitter edit buttons, trim, and
dials are provided.
-Wheel & Trigger position can be changed
The wheel position can be offset by using an accessory APA wheel position offset adapter.
The wheel angle can also be adjusted.
The position of the throttle trigger can be moved forward and backward.
-Left-handed support
The left and right installation direction of the wheel section can be reversed.
-Tension adjustment function
The tension of the steering wheel & throttle trigger springs can be adjusted from the outside.
-Mechanical ATL Adjustment
Make this adjustment when you want to decrease the total travel of the brake (push) side of
the throttle trigger.
-Display switch
Display switch allows function setup without transmitting.
-Vibrator built into the grip
The vibrator can be operated at racing timer lap navigation, time-up, and low battery alarm.
-7-color LED pilot lamp
Your favorite color can be selected.