[Sweep Timing Adjustment]
Use T-ball to straighten
target and press ENTER key.
Correction 0.000 nm
<Press MENU for inst setup>
Figure 25 Sweep timing adjustment message
4. Operate the trackball to straighten the tar-
get selected at step 2, and then press the
[ACQ/ENTER] key.
7. Adjusting MBS (Main Bang
Main bang, a large filled circle which appears
at the display center on short ranges, can be
suppressed as follows:
1. Transmit on long range about 10 minutes.
2. Adjust the gain to show a small amount of
noise on the display.
3. Change to the 0.125 nautical mile range
and adjust the [A/C SEA] control.
4. Select 11. MBS Adjustment on the Instal-
lation Setup menu and press the [ACQ/
ENTER] key. The following message ap-
[MBS Adjustment]
Set value by T-ball
and press ENTER key.
Correction 000
<Press MENU for inst setup>
Figure 26 MBS adjustment message
5. Operate the trackball to suppress main
bang (adjustment range: 000 to 025).
6. Press the [ACQ/ENTER] key.
8. Entering scanner height
The STC effect changes with respect to scan-
ner height above the waterline. Enter scanner
height above the waterline to optimize the
STC effect.
1. Select 12. Ant Height on the Installation
Setup menu and press the [ACQ/ENTER]
2. Select scanner height above the waterline;
Low (3 m or less), Mid (3 to 6 m) or High
(6 to 10 m).
3. Press the [ACQ/ENTER] key.
9. Selecting STC curve
The STC effect changes with respect to the
scanner height above the waterline. The de-
fault STC curve can be maintained in most
cases. If necessary the STC curve can be
changed as follows:
1. Select 13. STC Curve on the Installation
Setup menu and press the [ACQ/ENTER]
2. Select STC curve desired;
Sharp: The effective range of the [A/C
SEA] control is relatively short.
Std: Between Sharp and Gentle.
Gntl (Gentle): The effective range of
the [A/C SEA] control is relatively long.
3. Press the [ACQ/ENTER] key.