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Turn right (clockwise) to tighten

Adjust the leveler according 
to the ground level.  To 
lower or to raise the center 
leg, you need to turn the 
leveler clockwise or 


The two mirror support brackets (#3) are already attached behind the dresser 
(#2).  Position the mirror support brackets (#3) vertically to align with the pre-
drilled holes of the dresser (#2) AND the mirror (#1).  

II. Prepare 6 bolt assemblies by inserting FIRST the lock washer (#C) onto the bolt 

(#A) and then the flat washer (#B) onto the SAME bolt (#A), in that order.  The 
other 2 bolt assemblies are already attached to the mirror support brackets (#3) 
from the factory.  

III. Insert the bolt assemblies onto the mirror support brackets (#3) and secure those 

bolts using an Allen wrench (#D) to lock the mirror support brackets (#3) with the 
dresser (#2) AND the mirror (#1).

IV. Tighten all bolts, including those that were already attached from the factory.

Back Side

Back Side

#A x 8 pcs
#B x 8 pcs
#C x 8 pcs

