P S - 8 R - P O W E R C O N D I T I O N E R / S E q u E N C E R
Maximum load:
PS-8R: 15 amps (1800 watts at 120 VAC)
Input Voltage Range:
PS-8R: 85 to 135 VAC;
Mains Wiring Analyzer:
Detects 1 normal mode and 5 fault modes
Delay Interval:
5 seconds (adjustable with internal trimpot)
Remote Switch:
Momentary or maintained action.
Remote Terminal:
Screw terminals or Eurostyle pluggable Terminal
Block, 2 for switch, 2 additional for optional LED
(22 ga. wiring minimum).
Spike Protection Modes: Line to neutral, neutral to ground, line to ground
Spike Clamping Voltage: PS-8R: TVSS rating 400V peak, L-N, N-G, L-G
(tested to UL 1449)
Response Time:
1 nanosecond
Maximum Surge Current: 6,500 amps (8 x 20 ms pulse)
ps-8r specifications
15A, 20A, 30A
RS-1 and RS-2
Remote System
related products
The PS-8R, along with other Furman AC
power accessories, can be an integral part
of a complete AC power control system.
Maximum Spike Energy: 80 joules per mode, 240 joules total protection
Noise Attenuation:
Transverse and common modes: 20 dB at 200
kHz, rising to >40 dB, 1 to 100 MHz
Dimensions: 1.75” H x 19” W x 8” D.
Weight: 6 lbs (2.7 kg).
Construction: Steel chassis, zinc chromate
plating; .125” brushed and black anodized
aluminum front panel; 3 oz. copper double-sided
glass epoxy printed circuit board
Power Consumption:
Switch off: 6 watts
Switch on: 8.5 watts
Safety Agency Approvals: cTUVus listed.
Furman Sound, LLC.
1690 Corporate Circle Petaluma, California 94954-6919 uSA
Phone: 707-763-1010 Fax: 707-763-1310 Web: www.furmansound.com E-mail: [email protected]
questions or issues with your Furman unit should be
directed to the Furman Customer Service Department,
available 8AM-4:30PM Pacific Time at (707) 763-
1010 or via email at [email protected]. If a unit
requires service, it must have an RA number assigned
from Furman’s Customer Service Department.
Before returning any equipment for repair, please
be sure that it is adequately packed and cushioned
against damage in shipment, and that it is insured.
We suggest that you save the original packaging and
use it to ship the product for servicing. Also, please
enclose a brief note giving your name, address,
phone number and a description of the problem.
Please display your RA number prominently on the
front of all packages.