Bluetooth Adapter
For a user profile that has already been paired, selecting the "Login" item results
in an attempt to pair the corresponding telephone.
For an unused user profile, a device search takes place.
Device search
During the device search, all visible BT telephones within the receiver's range are
searched for and listed. The pairing process can be started by choosing a tele-
phone. The paired telephone is assigned to the current user profile after being
successfully paired.
Phone searching
It is possible to pair the phone with the Bluetooth adapter from the phone. Please
see the operating manual of the phone for the specific procedure.
The submenu item deletes the corresponding user profile. In the process, all
relevant data are completely removed and the standard name assigned for the
corresponding user.
More information about this is available under Settings -> Service.
Test Connection
• Dial a number manually (that is by using the keys on the connected phone)
and listen to hear if the ringing tone comes over the loudspeaker.
• Adjust the volume by means. If you hear distortion, regulate the volume by
turning it down one or two stages.
• Sit in a normal driving position behind the steering wheel and, keeping your
eyes on the road, speak as soon as the connection has been set up. Ask the
person you are calling if he hears any echoes. If echoes are heard, the volume
must be turned down.
• End the call by pressing the right key.