3. Playing with rhythm accompaniment
1) Start / Stop
Exits all modes such as teaching, recording, playback, programming, demo songs and others.
Press to play the rhythm, and again to stop the rhythm.
2) Fill-In
only works in rhythm mode.
When a rhythm is playing, press
to insert a short interlude into the rhythm.
4. Chord control
1) Single Finger
only works in Rhythm Mode.
In Rhythm Playback mode, select Single key to specify the chord for the corresponding chord
accompaniment by pressing any single key in the range of C3 ~ F4 #. Here, the pressed key
specifies the keynote of the accompaniment chord in major. The nearest left black key can be
pressed to change the chord gender to minor.
2) Multi-Finger
only works in Rhythm Mode.
In Rhythm Playback mode, select the Finger key to use three keys in the range C3 ~ F4 # which
define a whole chord to specify the chord for the corresponding chord accompaniment. As long
as you do not specify a three-part chord, only the drum rhythm will sound.
5. Aufnahme
1) Melody recording
Press to switch to capture mode. Press any key to start the capture.
You can record a maximum of 92 notes. During recording, press the button to play back
the recorded data.
Pressing again will erase the memory and return to the capture mode.
2) OOP
Press to switch to OOP recording mode.