10 • BX-8x7
© Box 73 Amateurfunkservice GmbH 2014
Before the compressor is connected to the
transceiver for the first time, current con-
sumption should be checked. To do this,
you will need a 5V laboratory power sup-
ply and a multimeter with a current mea-
suring range.
The required operating voltage connection
can be made with two thin wires provisio-
nally soldered across C3. The multimeter,
connected in series, should show a current
of 10 mA to 12 mA. A significantly diffe-
rent value points to an assembly error. Be-
fore moving on, it is necessary to find and
fix this error. Particular attention should
be paid to proper mounting and clean sol-
der joints.
If you connect the dynamic
compressor to the transceiver despite ex-
cessive current consumption, the transcei-
ver may be damaged.
Potentiometers P1 and P2 are set at mid-
range from the factory. P1 and P2 alrea-
dy produce a clearly perceptible effect in
this position. For this reason, the first tests
should be conducted at this setting. If the
microphone level is too high or low at this
stage, it can be corrected with P1. Refer to
the guide in the section on operating in-
structions when adjustingthe compression
ratio with P2.
Box installation
To install the unit inside the box, the as-
sembled board is placed inside the lower
half of the shell (Figure 5). The upper half
of the shell is placed on the lower half.
Both halves of the box have corresponding
sockets and pins to ensure firm cohesion.
It is not necessary to affix the board to the
box with additional screws. After pressing
the two halves together and applying the
label, the dynamic compressor is ready for
use (Figure 1).