Ref / Pt.No: 294130
Operating Instructions for Safe Use
Fullwood M²erlin
Revision: C
Date: 24-Mar-17
Page 6 of 81
Revision Control
Checked by
G Williams
Nov 2016
G Williams
March 2017
G Williams
Icons are used in this manual to draw the reader’s attention to specific information. These icons
have the following meaning:
Failure to follow the instructions can result in severe injury to engineers, users,
bystanders or livestock
Indicates special precautions that must be taken to avoid damage to equipment.
Gives important information to prevent potential problems
Gives advice or suggestions to make procedures easier or clearer
Important information - read this first
1. Health and Safety Statement
Fullwood Limited specialises in the design, procurement, manufacture, installation and
commissioning of dairy and associated equipment comprising of pneumatic, electro-pneumatic
and electrical industrial control equipment. The nature of the company’s business activity places
emphasis on experience, capability, performance of design, manufacture and reliability. Whilst
Fullwood equipment will comply with all relevant directives, customers are reminded that all
equipment into which Fullwood equipment is to be incorporated must comply with all applicable
European directives.
The attention of the purchaser is drawn to the provision of Section 6 of the Health and Safety at
Work Act 1974. Section 6 of the Act provides that manufacturers, designers, importers or
suppliers of equipment for use at work have a duty to ensure, so far as reasonably practical,
that the equipment will be safe and without risk to health when properly used. The equipment is
not regarded as being ‘properly used’ if it is used without regard to any relevant information or
advice relating to its use made available by the manufacturer, designer, importer or supplier. It
is the responsibility of the purchaser to take such steps as are necessary to ensure that
appropriate information relevant to the equipment is made available to their employees and any
person to whom the purchaser supplies them.
It is important that the equipment be installed, commissioned, maintained and used by
competent trained/skilled persons in accordance with good engineering practice. International