Fan Relay ON
Fan Relay ON
Fan Relay ON
Fan Relay ON
Fan Relay ON
Fan Relay ON
Fan Relay ON
Fan Relay ON
Comp. Relay ON
Fan Relay ON
Fan Relay ON
Fan Relay ON
Fan Relay OFF
Fan Relay OFF
Comp. Relay off with
Normal or FF* SP*
Comp. Relay off with
Economic SP*
Fan Relay ON
Fan Relay OFF
Fan Relay ON
Fan Relay OFF
Fan Relay OFF
SP: Setpoint
FF: Fast Freezing
F22 - Fan stop due to high temperature in the evaporator:
This aims at switching off the evaporator fan until the evaporator temperature approaches the
temperature provided in the project design, thus avoiding high suction pressures and temperatures that
could damage the compressor.
During the refrigeration process if the evaporator temperature exceeds the adjusted value, the fan is
switched off, being switched on again with a fixed hysteresis of 0.1 °C / 1 °F. It is a valuable resource
when, for example, a cold storage installation is started up after several days of inactivity, or when a
walk-in chamber or display is replenished with goods.
F08 - Time in refrigeration (interval between defrosts):
When the defrost is configured to start by time (F45), this function establishes the maximum time
duration of the cooling process.In this case, the defrost will be started whenever the time elapsed during
the cooling mode reaches the value configured in this function. If the condition to start the defrost is the
evaporator temperature and the controller is not indicating a reading error for this sensor, the time in
refrigeration will not be considered.
F09 - Minimum compressor on time:
It is the minimum time for which the compressor remains switched on, i.e. the length of time between the
last start up and the next stop. It is aimed at avoiding high voltage surges in the power lines, potentially
extending lifespam of compressor.
F10 - Minimum compressor off time:
It is the minimum time the compressor will remain off, i.e. the length of time between the last stop and the
next start up. It is aimed at relieving the discharge pressure and increase the service life of the
F11 - Compressor state with a disconnected or faulty room sensor (S1):
If the room sensor (S1) is shorted, disconnected, or out of range, the compressor will assume the state
configured in this function.
- Compressor off
- Compressor on
- Cycling according to the times defined in F42 and F43.
F12 - Defrost at instrument startup:
It allows performing a defrost when the controller is powered on, for example when the electric power
returns (in case of power failure).
F13 - Evaporator temperature (S2 / S3) to determine the end of defrost:
The defrost will be ended when the evaporator temperature reaches a value equal or higher than the
value configured in this function. If sensor S3 is configured as the second evaporator sensor (F57), the
controller will switch off the defrost outputs individually and the defrost process will be ended when both
are off.
F14 - Maximum defrost time:
This parameter defines the maximum defrost time. If the defrost is not ended by temperature when this
time has elapsed, a dot will keep flashing in the lower right corner of the display. If sensor 2 is switched
off, the defrost process end will be always defined by time, thus no warning signal is required. If the
maximum defrost time is configured as 0 (
), the defrost process will not be performed.
F15 - Fan on during defrost:
It defines whether the fan will remain on during the defrost. The cases of natural defrost and defrost by
finned resistances installed outside of the evaporator are examples of the usage of the fan on.
F16 - Defrost type:
- Electric defrost (by resistance), where only the defrost output is activated
- Defrost by hot gas, where the compressor output and defrost output are activated
F17 - Temperature indication (S1) locked during defrost:
This function is aimed at avoiding viewing the room temperature rise due to the defrost cycle. The last
temperature measured in the refrigeration cycle will be locked in the display during the defrost. The
indication will be unlocked when this temperature is reached again or when the time configured in this
function is exceeded after the start of the following refrigeration cycle (whichever comes first). This
function may be disabled if configured with
F18 - Draining time (defrost water dripping):
Time required for dripping, i.e. to drain the last drops of the evaporator. During this period, all outputs
remain turned off. If you do not want this stage, adjust this time to
F19 - Evaporator temperature (S2 / S3) for the fan to return after draining:
The fan-delay cycle is started after the draining phase. The compressor is activated immediately
because the evaporator temperature is high but the fan is activated only after the temperature on the
evaporator drops below the adjusted value. This process is required to remove the heat that already
exists on the evaporator as a result of the defrost to avoid transferring it to the environment.
F20 - Maximum time for the fan to return after draining (fan-delay):
For safety reasons, if the evaporator temperature does not reach the value adjusted in function F19 or if
sensor (S2 / S3) is disconnected, the fan will return after the time adjusted in this function has elapsed.
F21 - Fan operating mode during refrigeration:
This parameter allows configuring how the fan output will behave during the refrigeration cycle. In this
case, the working options take into account the state of the compressor output and the setpoint with
which the instrument is operating. When configured to cycle, the on and off times are defined by F40 and
F23 - Room temperature indication offset S1:
It allows compensating possible deviations in the room temperature reading (S1) caused by the
replacement of the sensor or changes in the cable length.
F24 - Address of the instrument in the RS-485 network:
Equipment's network address for communicating with Sitrad software.
Every single controller within the network must have different address.
F25 - Number of defrosts per day (Monday to Friday):
The defrost cycles are evenly distributed in accordance with the number of defrosts set per day, always
considering the preferred time. The values can be adjusted to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, or 12. This function works
with the Monday to Friday operation schedule.
F26 - Preferred time to start defrosting (Monday to Friday):
A preferred time (reference time) for the daily defrost to be performed must be set. This function works
with the Monday to Friday operation schedule.
F27 - Number of defrosts per day (Saturday):
The defrost cycles are evenly distributed in accordance with the number of defrosts set per day, always
considering the preferred time. The values can be adjusted to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, or 12. This function works
with the Saturday operation schedule.
F28 - Preferred time to start defrosting (Saturday):
A preferred time (reference time) for the daily defrost to be performed must be set. This function works
with the Saturday operation schedule.
F29 - Number of defrosts per day (Sunday):
The defrost cycles are evenly distributed in accordance with the number of defrosts set per day, always
considering the preferred time. The value can be adjusted to 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, or 12. This function works
with the Sunday operation schedule.
F30 - Preferred time to start defrosting (Sunday):
A preferred time (reference time) for the daily defrost to be performed must be set. This function works
with the Sunday operation schedule.
F31 - Normal setpoint:
It is the desired room temperature. It is the reference value for the temperature control.
F32 - Economic setpoint (SPE):
It is the desired room temperature when the instrument is operating in economy mode.
F33 - Economic setpoint control differential (hysteresis):
It is the temperature difference (hysteresis) between switching ON and OFF the refrigeration control
output in the economy mode.
F34 - Door closed time for activating the economy mode:
If the door is kept closed for a time equal or greater than the one configured in this function and the
normal setpoint is or has been reached, the controller will activate the economy mode. After that the
controller will operate with the economic setpoint until any condition to deactivate it is met (see 6.3.3).
This function is disabled when configured with
F35 - Temperature difference (S3-S1) below which the economic setpoint is activated:
When the temperature difference between sensor 3 and sensor 1 is below the value adjusted in this
parameter, the controller starts to operate in the economy mode.
F36 - Temperature difference (S3-S1) above which the normal setpoint is activated:
When the temperature difference between sensor 3 and sensor 1 is above the value adjusted in this
parameter, the controller starts to operate with the normal setpoint.
F37 - Maximum time on power-saving mode:
It allows configuring the maximum time in economy mode. After this time the setpoint returns to the
normal operation setpoint. This time is disregarded if configured as
F38 - Temperature limit for Fast Freezing:
It is the minimum temperature that the instrument can reach during the fast freezing process.
F39 - Maximum Fast Freezing time:
It is the time duration of the fast freezing process.
F40 - Fan on time:
F41 - Fan off time:
They define the time for which the fan is kept on and off when operating in the cyclic mode.
F42 - Compressor on time in case of S1 fault:
F43 - Compressor off time in case of S1 fault:
They define the compressor on and off times when it is operated in the cyclic mode. This condition
happens when sensor S1 is disconnected (or faulty) and when parameter F11 is configured as
F44 -Time to collect the gas before starting the defrost:
When starting the defrost the controller will keep only the fan on during this time to take advantage of
the residual energy of the gas. This time will be disregarded in case of defrost at power up.
F45 - Condition to start the defrost (0 - time / 1 - temperature):
It defines the condition to start the defrost:
- Time
- Temperature
Before starting the defrost process the controller will observe the minimum time of compressor on or off
(F09 and F10) and the gas collection stage (F44).
This function is ignored when the defrost schedule is enabled (F01 = 1 or F01 = 2).
F46 - Maximum open door time for instantaneous defrost:
During the cooling step, if the door is kept open for a time longer than the one defined in this function, the
instantaneous defrost will take place. If the door is open at the beginning of the refrigeration process,
the counting of this time is reset. This function is disabled when configured with