RX4770 M4
Operating Manual
Functional overview
Power supply of the iRMC S5 via the system standby supply
Full-coverage alarm management
System Event Log (SEL) reading and processing
IPMI support
CIM / WS-MAN support
Internal Event Log for user login / logout auditing
More information about the iRMC S5 can be found in the "iRMC S5 - integrated
Remote Management Controller" user guide (on the Fujitsu manuals server
x86 Servers
ServerView Suite
Out-Of-Band Management
Server management
Server management is implemented using the ServerView Operations Manager
supplied and the PDA (Prefailure Detection and Analysis) technology from
Fujitsu. PDA reports the threat of a system error or overload at an early stage,
allowing preventive measures to be taken.
The ServerView Operations Manager enables the management of all
PRIMERGY servers in the network via a central console. The ServerView
Operations Manager supports the following functions:
Round-the-clock monitoring, regardless of server status
High-performance, graphical console bypass (AVR) protected by
HTTPS/SSL (128 bit)
Remote storage via USB
Remote power on
Intrusion detection in the floorstand model
Temperature monitoring of the CPU and the surrounding area
Detailed status and error reports for CPUs and main memory
Watchdog timer for Automatic Server Reconfiguration and Restart (ASR&R)
in the event that memory modules or CPUs fail
Power monitoring
End-of-life monitoring of fans with prompt notification before failure
Watchdog timer for monitoring the operating system with ASR&R