FujiFilm GA645Zi Скачать руководство пользователя страница 12

Содержание GA645Zi


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Страница 6: ...I F i g 1 is 4n i g 8 r r g I ...

Страница 7: ...ilFis 13 tF ig 17 Fig 21 ig 18 Fig 19 ...

Страница 8: ...Fig 25 Fig 26 Fig 28 F i g 29 lE J _ l Fig 33 Fig 27 ...

Страница 9: ...f L 1 I ig 39 nn r trn U U ll n U P5 1 if5 A Fig 3 7 A Jea n 3 2 1 5 t Fig 36 i 5 i t 3 l A i R J iP5 ig 40 i rso I t t n n i I U U r r i l JC n Fig 43 Fig 44 ig 45n BC f5 G iii ai E B t BT F l A L t t r r n z n t L t l 5 1 fi e r t n o r t _ i I I L ...

Страница 10: ...I Fig 47 Ffg 51 Fig 48 i i ECga tt 1v E il 5 g c Fig 53r Fig 57 r nFig 50 Al Bl l I I ci Dl _ ____ Flg 56 Flg 46 It5 15 Fig 55 IIFig 54 ...

Страница 11: ...Hg 61 Flg 58 65r rFig 62 1 1 ...

Страница 12: ... t r rg GAE lightSensor FlashSoneor AcfivsArlofocue Window ffi lcng Self tifir rButton I FtashBntton I Uquir CrysrstDisptay 6 FilmReminder Stot 8Cfirn ra badr ft FitmLoadingKnob 6 Mid rollWind upButton 6Trl Soct er Q0 FinderEyapiece 5 Dan Button SAF tl Button Zoonr Lever SlCeHe Rdmss Scksr P LigtrtButtonlor the tiquidCrystatDisSay Cgmera tsackLock r r l 1 2 1 3 1 4 r5 Spedlfetbns I Rcadykrgthe cam...

Страница 13: ...ca y 3 A nperture priority Ytoexposuro lf you ft th aperture tt riiuttJ tp LO is set automaticalf Whe n thebuitt in flasFr is useo theshrJtter sped willnotbeslowerthan1i 45sec 4 As sfowsynchroapenure prioriqautoexposure lf youset Urea rtut tt shutteisp d issetautornatially When tfrenuitt n flashisused theshutterryeratesforthe range fromifte nignspeedlo 2 secondslowshutlerspeed 5 M Manualexposuro Y...

Страница 14: ...aduallymove outto theedges r 1 Finally afterallcontaminants havebeenremoved wlp offthe remaininglens cleaningfluid ritha dry sheetof lenscleaning pdp r Again tartfrprnthocenterina cirarlarrmtion tfpn fipve oul to theedges i t B rsathing a miston the lenssurfacethenwiprngit withsilicon doth or othersimilarmateriaris the worstthingyoucan do Naver it becausethis is oneof the rnaincaueel of ecretcfres...

Страница 15: ...utomatic ptJr re piateietting automatic focalplanead justing auiotatic exposure counterinlerlocking automatic iifmtypeindication on the LCDpane l lrEquippeiwiththeLensCapSensor PrEventing ansrroneous oxpo ure withthelenscapon TheLCD quipp d withah gl backlight Easilycheckeddis p aysevenin the dark 5 iry6rid autofocus system passive type with oxtemalfight sens ingphasecontrastianddbtivetyp W infrar...

Страница 16: ... weightedlight metoring SpD photocafi prcgramrnod auto expoafjre A A8 aperture priorltyauto o poiure manual expo rure Ev 3 19ooupflng nrpe lSO 100 a E Foaur Compclaton t3 EV in 112 topincrfiiefis r Fllm SF d Srtdng ISO25 16 x h 1 3 stepIncrsm nF Aulomailcelly8 t with a barcodesystemfilm loed6d o Flrth Built in popup_lyqglastr automaticcontrotof arnountof lighi guidenumber12 lSO 100 a Fllm dvrn6 As...

Страница 17: ...operateunlossth6 bafteriosare conectly loaded a Chengothe tuo batt rloeet the sarnefmc andalwaysueendy bailaries Do notmlxnfl andoldone6 3 Chock lfir batterlee Flg 3 f Whilo pr dng in th Dial Lock R leas tum fte Selocdr Dlal lromOFFto P or A or As or ltIJ lf theLsns tDvosoutirdo ehootingp iffm the batteriesare loadedconectly rl Condltlon ot betlrdl Flg 5 r Indicatorlighto FIg A r Indicatorllghts F...

Страница 18: ...aruc t fiown abovs ll your desl d fomsl appcars sbp op radnglt Thc dlrplay ol th dab ln tho tormel whlchyou havert wlll lum onfor flvo secondsafbr you remwe yourfingerfromlho Buttoil fren tum olf Thc IDATA Slgn in the LCDwill romeh o l to bll you et ille cam ra h88bcon3 tto lhe dab ptinling npd Tha Ysar lrlonlh Day Expo8uF Data will blink altemahly bs caus all ol theso daE cannot be displayedin th...

Страница 19: ...hreeStrapLug6 andyou cnn attachthc nock strapeilh rverticallyor horizontally O Paesboth endsol the strapthroughtho Strap Lug6 O A ust the strapleigfih proportywith the Budde Whenyou passtherfap encbthough theAnd looccrftg Rlngs slidoth Anujoosodng Rings The strap ndswillpassthrorgh lh thern more aeily 2 Put on tho bm 6p Flg 13 Tak6two butbns on the lenscap uri your fingersto put it ofl or otr To p...

Страница 20: ...ading Knd 6 Mld roll tUln tpButtqt Trirod Sod d FinOer Eppiecc 6 DabBumn AF U Button Szoom l rver CrUr HCsasrSocklt 6Ught guttofi fortheliquid cryrnal ffiplay SCamra Bsd lsd Oscfftm of fif furulioni d prrtt Camora cersand eutotu Sp ddl atures SpocmceUors I Fcaryhgfie camsr Loadirq hsbrtbfis Clrylayandpdnthgd data Afracfiing theapeeerorloc t oedhg tE frfn n BsdcArccedum Talfrgrutomfiemodc tetdofrcu...

Страница 21: ...ir pqu9 lf vou sctft ryq9 lhe shuttertp iJi saLutomatical Whanthe buif in llash is u t6 ttt tt t tp d wittn6tbe sbtver than1 45 sac 4 As Sforvsyrtchrqapqrtur prloriq autooxpotrre lf you set th ap rture hi tt t p a b estautomatin y When fre dft in liett ier rsed theefutteroporatGforlh 9t9o frornthe hbh speedlo 2 86condslor sttutlersp eo 51M Uanuatexioeure Youcan set your desiredaperulr andshuttersp...

Страница 22: ...llymwe oultoth edoes CIFinelty etter i contrrnlnantl trarabcent m nrGd rvln of nr romrh ngbnr dqSnirqiuld tryl r a drychertoftmadsanlng papor Agnh Sartfrorn ilr6aenisr h adndar nrdontronFni orilbfiroedg q r r Bne ing onSrelsm su aoo ilrsr wlplnglt urtfrCtrcon doth or ohsr eimilarnrat dat iEtharors fifU youcando ihrmrdoftbeo laeftb isme dfto main cr di s rc oncamera Lns s a Clesntu Autofocur llVlnd...

Страница 23: ...ghted lightmotorin g SPDphotocell programmed auto sxposura A AS gperture pdorltyauto exposut menual xposuna EV3 10oanpllngnrge lSO r00 o Erpoeuru Compemdon 3 EV in 1 i2 etryincrerncnts r Fllm gpegd Sddng SOg5 1800In 1 3 stoplrcrern rfie Autornalballysot with s bar codesystsmlilm loaded r Fhrh Built in potrup typeflash autotnaliccontrolof antunt of lighi guidenumber12 lSO 100 r FllmAdvrnac Autornsd...

Страница 24: ...plana ad iustinq rrolnai fu re coulnierinl6f ocking aulometlc iirmtype lndrcalionon the LCD pan O fquippoOwih tra Lent CapSensor Prcventing en onon oua sxpoeurowiththe lenecap on oiffi icD e rrppeo in ah eu back l ht Earily cfreckeddie playsevcn in the dalk O iiitrU autdoctreqtetem perrh rypq rxtcmal ffi cens in6pn contrasti ano darye typo Ilh infraredrays sensing fniir O rays baclisrp ttn SuperEB...

Страница 25: ...es r Th6 cam6n wlil not oporateunle lhe betterfoeare conectly loadod r Changefis two batterlG st th safle tme ard ahraysuseneil batterles Do not mlxnewand old ones 3 Chsck tte batlerlsr Flg l 4l Whllepresslngin tlle Dial LockRelease tum the SefeclingDial frornOFFto P or A or AB or ltlJ lf th6 Lensmo recout into shootingpcition the batleriesare loadedcon ctly rl Condlilon of bdirrlcl Flg 5l r Indlc...

Страница 26: ...eationhas been get the mmp6n satcd telu oof aperhrraand shuttertpeed will be displayed ltVhsnhs snuilerspeedb getto Bulb but uill bedsPhy d on the LGD and BULff v illb prhted as the exposuredata c lr Changingthe datatornat Datarnodecolumn Yer ilontr Oaycenbe chang din the lollowingeequgncesfian wer ths SaleclingDialis s tfrornOFFto ISOwi t theZoomLewr prcessddownunrU Wld angladde Flg O MonthDayYea...

Страница 27: ...StrapLuga and youcen efiachlhc neck etrapeftherv rticallyor hodeontafiy 0 pass bothends of the strapthrurgh the StrepLuga O Ad uetthe strap l ndh p oFrly r ylfttho Budde I When toupassfte emap endsthrcughtheAnfl loosenhgRingr slidethoAnt loooeningRlngs Thestrapendswill passthrurgh lha lhem more eaeily 2 Put on lhe lene oap Flg 131 Takstno butbne onthe lenscap withyourfingersb put it on or off To p...

Страница 28: ...othendsof 22O roflfilm Thethir ness of the backirg papercaus sa sfdftInlhe positionol the focalplan6 and the pr ssursplateadiuetsfor thisdiilercrpswhilekaepingtheftlmflatonthelocaldane Thsr torc cfiedcsretypeofflm loadd displayedonihs LCDto make surelhal tte PressurePlaleieeetconectlyfor thefilmloaded d For the protectionof thp lens lt le r commsnded thatthe Sg lectingDlalbe lnfie ofi poeltionwhen...

Страница 29: ... tumr aroundthr Spool rnd clolr ttr Gsnrre Frok fit roll mayclaclcn Br rur lo wlrd lhr fllm by3to 3trrm rrs d thr rpool t Exm Ceilrnsrkpoertioning h notruquired brcausN fir lkn frp isdebfrd bytheFllmSensw Bocersfu tmvur nd towird il intoocrucftunillth6Serlrnrrkoorrs b hsfigtrtnided fl picftrro tmntasenlorbecamothsftrgt framc willnotbaposl Uon d srnatly aausing ittobr putally epoard q Srttril tllm ...

Страница 30: ... l andbt the Flaehl bad pop Llp When ths carnorais placedunderlhe prcgrammedarto B golure rpde P rnod the Flashwill nol firein brightligfttbtrtit willuttomat callyftrein dimlQftl li willautomattu ally fire ln brightreesof EV12or equivalent at F5 8 1 00soc withISO100fflmloadsd lcFordetdle on frashphotography rebr to page20 a ilrflay In tlrr ffir Thr frguru bdow rltcr rll mrrHqgl dlrplayrd ln tfn fl...

Страница 31: ...pressedhall way down wlth he lenscapp utontheleng thell ldd view fremeintheviewfnder blinks to wamyou Takeoutthe lenscapbafrora takingpictursr The Lsrir Cap Ssnsor locatsd in lhe lenobanal mearursSout slde brighttess and genoratessignala Forthis reason whon thebdghhessis darlterthanEVGISO100 F5 8 112 nowam ingwillbe made c The lenscap wamingcan bo tumedon or off Referto pagn s e Zoom Urc lcnr Flg ...

Страница 32: ...mdeixtimeetot llpu thatthafrlmhasreachedfi b8t franre ltfte romd oftheel ctonicbuazeriswpfllsofiig ltoucen ryitch it ofi Fordetails refErto Extriafunctionsfon page30 Ul lLOADll G THE FllJf 1 ErpoCng thc lestfrumc and unldlng ilrcfr m Flg 40 After exposingthe lastframe the fllm will eutomailcallywindlteelf up to the very end andthe lettor f will eppearin the LCD Make surs lhe E ign appearsin the LC...

Страница 33: ...theooneO ehultar sp cd erdtsd fortheapartum youhave sd h notn ithin thecsmlrt t cotpllngrengp Inthlecese bp downtheaperturc 6 ffiort tfr strutbrspo d bfttc andtheUndererqmlra S yr v lhhB ilr epsrtu E b stopp d dourn toom fi andfieeperun youhap setb rffi ufrln fie cameratcil phg r go Opan r fto ryrture or 6tthecanpratothefldr ploiln mode r Fortaklng Settrpic uirc r6brto Pega20 r lnerc cfincofiEct o...

Страница 34: ...re r TheFlashSign will blinkwfite fie flachb cfnrging Vrrtdt il bllnke the carpra s operatlngluncdonsgudr ae rdeadng the shuttrrwlll notwort e Thetableehowsthc ndnimumoxpocuro allowableaparturc dcperding on the ISOvalue due lo the limitationot ffashmn tolcapablllUas tso 50 100 200 4 n Minimum upoEurs I 1 l 16 22 2 Erporun oonfiol rulft ilf bullt in thd Flg 51 r Flashs nsor Flg tt Al Whentakifigfla...

Страница 35: ...llchangc inreoponee lo bdghlnoss olthe oblcct Tha uttssp ed wilf beqdtedur h ada place Bscarcful toavtldcarunashake endar oid teldng modngoq ds e WtOer manual txposurs ftrf tttodc Thr llt ttfll ahayr ffra end0 cfllth slll efi Et ir enountotllghtmdt g b fir rrt rp turt Tht shufierwill trlpatfte gd rhuttersped I U il ofitnl carxd becompemeted fttFrthofraah llglrt When afilmofISO25b ut d fie guldenun...

Страница 36: ...A optionalattacfimont StrobaGAhacA2 modes WhenISO100lllm ieueedand ihe aperfurcis s t to Fg 1rou can takepictureounderth aulornaticexposur rnod EXPOSUHE COiIPEHSATIO 1 Est the erpoturc oomp nsatlng value Flg 5l lf you went to take high keyor low keypictures use exposure cofi pgnsetionInlhs programmad autoexposureor ap rturs pri orityautoerpoguremode S Whilepreesingin SreBpoaure GompensatbnBrXbn fO...

Страница 37: ...r Release Button Youneednotexplainhim orher howto alm thesubloc t wilh theAulofocusSpot O lf youwantto tak a modng obloctby pan focus lf youhavesot th shootingdiEtance in advanceby usingthe rnanuallocuaing mod thetimelagcawed by a lensdriveon autobcre b elirnineted Withthe apeilure loppoddorn lo F8 Fl11 the lem willexhibititspanlocuseffec to enableyoulo trake quickehots 0 l youwantto minimizetheti...

Страница 38: ...ry Ewn il the Xotr lt aot tt mobr intficatirns ain ftil c tf ng lo fe t 3 8 nfrohhg ott fi hror Flg CEl lf you hd the buzzermund wonlsofit lou eanewltcftlt olf r Buzzaron Flg 86 t o Bulrer olf Flg 65 An elsotronh teap whictrsoundswhgnthe shuftartrlpped or a repeatadt op b p beop whidl tellsyouftet tftefllm hae reacfredfie lestlrame can be Ewitcfisdoff ttlhile preenirqh th6 Setr firnor Buttcn tumfi...

Страница 39: ...ocuracy O aae ftdrr nol rultotl fioraulolocuCng Inthefollowingqases the Lenstnaynot be ableto focuson the subjec or the displayeddistancemay diffar extremelywith ths adualsubl6ctdistance I Fast rnoving obi c s r Obieclethat haveno daflnlteshape ruch as smokeandflame eepedally on active type autofocusing r ll yanare shootinglhrougfra windowglasa r lf yoursubjcctcannotrefiec enoughlighl suchas a bun...

Страница 40: ...irTrul tervtoon Hmf Xofl nl trig o n Isn rilEt TE Lro lo t r r tthl Borl flrr pw affil nrr rnoro t fl lnrlt t LtD LP A ng t N nr ltl Phrtdyofir nod 8 nCer toa n T rtrrd tt r tnotg t I tn trsrl ofr Ip l rlor3 tdfbof Oilo 6r rt 1 W Plr r Lola J r ilAil ztt tloo hlrg JrF 8lI rlrr nrn illryor Ftlr i orc ll oo Lm tf g OFF CT nrn ffi trrNctstg ee fi4 s E c G Mhihum E Ho d T d litlr Tdfri nqt c rr FUr ft...
