User’s manual · DVB 310 T / DVB 310 T CI
- 4 - DVB 310 T / DVB 310 T CI version_en_1.2 FTE maximal
-RF Channel: Output channel. The configuration can be done through the channel or indicating the frequency directly. In
order to insert the frequency, press the “OK” key and the cursor will be placed over the frequency. With the keys of the
cursor, we can move through all the digits and change the values. Press “OK” in order to save the value. Options: C2-C69
o 47-862 MHz.
- RF Video level: Level of the video carrier in RF output. Options 8 to -8.
- RF Level: Output signal regulation. Options: 0-15.
- Antenna: Feeding/tone towards the LNC. Options: 0V, 13V, 13V+22kHz, 18V, 18V+22KHz.
- Freq : Input channel frequency. In order to introduce the frequency, press the “OK” button and the cursor will be placed
over the frequency. With the keys of the cursor, we can move through all the digits and change the values. Press “OK” in
order to save the value.
- Trans. Mode: Modulation mode. Options: 2k, 4k, 8k, AUTO.
- IG: Guard interval. Options: 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32
- Only FTA: Free channels tuning only. Options: Yes and No.
- Channel: Selection of the channel inside the multiplex. Press the “OK” button in order to get in the channel list. Select the
channel with the “Up” and “Down” buttons and after press “OK”. Once it is selected, press “Cancel” on order to get out of
the list.
- Tv/Radio: It commutes between TV and radio channels by pressing “OK” button.
- Delete: It removes the selected channel in the channel list. Press “OK” in order to remove it. A confirmation or
cancellation of the operation will be requested, press “OK” in order to confirm it or “Cancel” in order to cancel it
- Search: It searches for channels in the multiplex inserted. By pressing “OK” the module will start the channel searching
and it will save them automatically.
-Update: Updating of the module. By pressing “OK” three options will appear: Download updated SW (Updating of the
DVB module with the software version of the programmer) / receiving updated SW (we have to send the application, and
then keep the software version of the DVB module in the programmer) / DVBUS mode. In order to return to the previous
menu press “Cancel”
- Reset: It restores the values by default of DVB. Press “OK” in order to reset the module. A confirmation (press OK) or
cancellation (press Cancel) of the operation will be required.