Setting Up Your Webcam
For Mac OS X Users
The HD Webcam FC270S will be automatically installed when you connect it to a Mac; no additional software is required. You will
need to open camera software such as Quick Time, Photo Booth, Skype or Face Time to start streaming the video. Quick Time and
Photo Booth are preinstalled on all Macs as standard.
To check if the webcam is detected or not, you may click the Apple Menu (in the top left corner of your screen) and then click
About this Mac. Click on System Report from the pop-up window that appears. The System Information window for your Mac will
appear. Navigate to the USB Section and check to see if the webcam is listed as a connected device (Show as “FC270S”like the
photo below).
Photo Booth
Your system should automatically detect the Webcam in the Photo Booth if it has no internal camera of its own. In rare cases
where it does not, please try disconnecting the camera and reconnecting it once Photo Booth is already running, or you may try
to restart your Mac.
If your Mac has a built-in camera already , you may open Photo Booth, chick the Camera on the top left of your screen , and
choose the “FC270S” to use this webcam. (like the photo below ).