Congratulations and thank you for choosing the PITTBULL HUNDRED/CL Guitar Amplifier!
At Fryette Amplification, we know you are constantly searching for new sounds and new ways to improve your
existing sound. We understand the constantly evolving nature of artistic creativity and the search for the perfect
sound to complement your ever-widening musical vision. Providing the tools to help you to create your own
sonic signature is our primary mission.
The Pittbull Hundred/CL is designed for straight ahead players who prefer to rely on the guitar volume for the
clean sound. Two channels of unapologetic attitude with a 100-watt power plant, deliver thick touch sensitive
response with a decidedly British persuasion. This is a no-nonsense amplifier with a deceptively simple feature
set in which either channel can serve as a Clean, Crunch or Burn channel. The CL’s Red & Green channels
are similarly configured but voiced slightly differently for a wide palate of pristine clean, slightly dirty clean,
spanking crunch and aggressive but harmonically rich overdrive. Combined with an extremely expressive
graphic EQ, this allows for quick and intuitive sound sculpting.
Getting familiar with the Hundred/CL amplifier is easy, so don’t be terribly surprised when you find yourself up
and running in no time. First hand experience and real world application will yield the ultimate satisfaction of
finding your own path of comprehension and self-expression.