External Voltage Monitor
Your main power for your done can be connected to the expansion port pin 8. The SATS-MINI can monitor up
to 33.2V max. If enabled when the external voltage falls below the threshold set then the SATS-MINI will trigger
the parachute. This feature addresses one of the ASTM F3322-18 requirements for external power monitoring.
(1.1.1 or later software).
Saving and Loading Setups
At the bottom of the Device Setup screen are buttons that can save and load configuration, as well as to send
the configuration to the SATS-MINI.
Save to File and Load to File - Use these to save or load your SATS-MINI configurations to your hard drive. This
is also good to use before upgrading your SATS-MINI software in case there are configuration changes.
Send to Device
Edit made to the SATS-MINI settings are not immediately sent to the device. Once you have made all your
changes then use the Send to Device button to upload to the SATS-MINI. After the upload the device will
auto-restart with the new settings active..
Other Tools
Send Default Configuration
This sends current release default configuration to the SATS-MINI overwriting the current configuration. The
SATS-MINI will auto-restart after uploading.
Dump Log
Use this to download the flight log to your hard drive. The file is saved in .csv format suitable for viewing in
Excel or Google Sheets.
Erase Log
After downloading you can erase the log file. Unless erased logs from each flight will be appended to the
previous log. The SATS-MINI flash memory can record a bit more than 6 hours of detailed flight information.
Reset to Factory Defaults
Use this to reset the configuration EEProm and Flash memory to the default factory settings. After some
software upgrades this may be needed to reset the configuration. The UI will let you know after upgrade if you
must do a Factory Reset. This can take about 5 minutes to complete.
SATS-MINI Installation
The SATS-MINI can be installed in any secure location on the drone where it can be accessible. Also when using
the Multirotor trigger only the SATS-MINI can be installed in any orientation. If you have 5V available from your
Autopilot then that can be connected to Channel 3 or Channel 4 to provide external power to the device. This
will also charge the liPo battery. After installing be sure to calibrate the device, outlined below.
© Fruity Chutes Inc - https://fruitychutes.com