International Burch University | Francuske revolucije bb | 71210 Ilidza | Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel. +387 33 922 890
1.3 Daily Use
1.3.1 Making a Call
Press the call button to call out the predefined number or IP address and if LED turns green, it means the call has been answered.
1.3.2 Receiving a Call
User can use IP phone or indoor monitor to call FE-IPDS-20A (or shorter 20A) and 20A will answer it automatically by default. If user
disable auto answer, pressing button to answer incoming call.
1.3.3 Unlock by RF Card
Place the predefined RF card on the card sensor area. The door phone wil
l announce ‘the door is now opened’ and open the door
13.56MHz and 125KHz RF card is supported by 20A.
Remote site entry over Internet
Apartment/flat intercom with door access control