Tracking/calibration procedure
Send a 1V/oct source into Frequency CV input
On plug-in with all trimmers in the mid position you should find that the bottom
notes of a 5 octave keyboard don't do anything. So, trill between bottom C and C#,
and adjust the Offset trimmer until both notes sound. You've just set up the CV
Play a couple of C's an octave apart towards the middle of the keyboard, adjust the
1V/oct trimmer until they are true. Then play every note on the keyboard, listen for
any trilling notes - that means the note isn't quite sure what it wants to be. Fine tune
Offset trimmer and 1V/oct trimmer until everything is cool, playing octaves and
finally every damned note!
Set Detune knob to 12 o'clock, match Waverider to a known pitch source using Zero
trimmer. If you have an O'Tool = even easier: play an A on the keyboard, find a note
close to A4 on the Frequency pot, adjust Zero trimmer to 440Hz.
Takes about 5 minutes...!
RDH 19/07/2014