The PCB shows the correct orientation for BC547/BC557/2N5485. Other transistor types can
be used (eg 2N3904/2N3906/BF245), but please observe the correct pinout.
(next to 5K6 resistor)
I use a 10K NTC available from Tayda, seems perfect:
…but, you can just use a 10K resistor if 100% temperature stability isn’t so important to you.
I can assure you, it’s pretty accurate anyway without the thermistor.
- Trims the frequency up/down, should be just about fine in the mid position, but
adjust to taste.
– This filter can be set up to track V/oct fairly accurately over around 5 octaves.
Send 1V/oct keyboard into CV input 1 and turn it’s attenuator fully clockwise.
Play octaves, while adjusting the trimmer until you’re close.
Play 2 ocatves apart, adjust trimmer a little more…
Bill of materials
100R x 1
560R x 8
1K5 x 1
1K8 x 1
4K7 x 1
5K6 x 1
6K8 x 1
10K x 5
12K x 1
15K x 5
22K x 4
27K x 1
33K x 3
47K x 1
68K x 6
100K x 5
150K x 1
270K x 1
470K x 1
1M x 1
470pF x 4
22uF x 10
47uF x 2
10K Thermistor
LF351 x 2
LM13700 x 2
BC547 x 3
BC557 x 1
2N5485 x 4
1N4148 x 2
A100K x 3
B100K x 3
All pots are 16mm
10K trimmer x 1
100K trimmer x 1
All trimmers are
6mm (Tayda)