Adjust Bias trimmer to sweet spot, ie a nice clean undistorted VCA output with no
thunk when a snappy ADSR is applied to a CV input. I do this without any audio at the
inputs. The chances are that that the sweet spot is around the mid position.
I tend to turn this to around fully anticlockwise.
I tend to turn this to around fully anticlockwise.
Bill of materials
560R x 2
1K x 2
3K3 x 1
6K8 x 1
8K2 x 1
10K x 2
15K x 3
22K x 1
33K x 2
47K x 1
68K x 1
100K x 3
150K x 2
180K x 2
1M x 1
47pF x 1
10nF x 1
22uF x 4
47uF x 2
CA3080 x 1
LF351 x 1
BC547 x 2
BC557 x 2
2N5485 x 1
A100K x 2
B100K x 3
All pots are 16mm Alpha.
22K trimmer x 1
100K trimmer x 2
All trimmers are 6mm
SPDT toggle
Underside of the PCB showing:
Ground bus between sockets and PCB
Connections between inputs/outputs and PCB
I use solid core for all of the above.
RDH 31
May 2013