Bill of Materials
330R x 1
470R x 1
1K x 8
2K2 x 2
2K7 x 2
10K x 3
12K x 4
15K x 1
33K x 2
47K x 2
68K x 1
100K x 6
470K x 2
2M2 x 1
All resistors ¼ watt
metal film.
CA3046 (or UL1111)
Suggested sources for CA3046: Banzai, Das Musikding, Small Bear, reputable Ebay sellers.
sell UL1111 for only £1.53, they are functionally
identical to CA3046.
Tip #1 -
don’t mix up the 2K2 and 2M2
Tip #2 -
don’t mix up the 470R and 470K
A big part of the sound of the Taurus was the way in which the VCF interfaced with the VCA, so on
Raging Bull the VCA is always in the audio path. A toggle switch allows you to select ‘always open’ or
CV control of the VCA from CV input 1.
VCA trimmer:
flick the toggle switch down, send a nice snappy ADSR into CV1 input. Adjust
Bias trimmer to sweet spot, ie there is no DC thump. The chances are that that the sweet
spot is around the mid position.
Scale trimmer:
turn Emphasis all the way to self oscillation. Patch a 1V/oct source into CV
input 2, with the attenuator fully clockwise. Play octaves and adjust the Scale trimmer until
they are spot on.
Freq trimmer:
you want to tweak this so that the filter is fully open when the Cutoff pot is
fully clockwise.
Res trimmer:
you can adjust exactly where the Emphasis knob starts to self oscillate. If in
doubt, leave this trimmer in it’s mid position.