Spread Spectrum Wireless Data Transceiver User Manual
LUM0002AG Rev D
Version 7.0
The RTS to CTS feature does not function in Point-to-Point networks that contain a Repeater. If
this feature is needed in such network, the mode should be changed to Point-to-MultiPoint.
If DTRConnect is enabled and set to 2, the RTS to CTS feature will not work.
If the DTRConnect is enabled and set to 1, RTS to CTS mode takes precedence over the
functionality of the CTS line on the Slave relating to the DTRConnect feature.
The RTS to CTS option is only available in RS232 mode.
The Retry Time Out parameter in a Slave or Repeater sets the delay the unit will wait before dropping the
connection to a Master or Repeater in MultiPoint mode. The factory default is set at the maximum of 255.
The maximum setting means that if 1 packet in 255 is sent successfully from the Master to the Slave or
Repeater, the link will be maintained. The minimum setting is 8. This allows a Slave or Repeater to drop a
connection if less than 1 in 8 consecutive packets is successfully received from the Master.
On the other hand, the function in the Master is effectively the same. With a setting of 255, the Master
will allow a Slave or Repeater to stay connected as long as 1 packet in 255 is successfully received at the
The Retry Time Out parameter is useful when a MultiPoint network has a roving Master or Slave(s). As
the link gets weaker, a lower setting will allow a poor link to break in search of a stronger one.
Setting Retry Time Out to 20 is recommended in areas where several FreeWave networks exist.
This setting will allow Slaves and Repeaters to drop the connection if the link becomes too weak,
while at the same time prevent errant disconnects due to interference from neighboring networks.
While intended primarily for MultiPoint networks, the Retry Time Out parameter may also be modified in
Point-to-Point networks. However, the value in Point-to-Point mode should not be set to less than 151.
The Lowpower Mode feature allows a MultiPoint Slave to consume less power. This is achieved primarily
by dimming the transceiver's LED’s. When set to 2 through 31, the transceiver will sleep between slots.
For example, at a setting of 2 the transceiver sleeps 1 out of 2 slots; at a setting of 3 the transceiver
sleeps 2 out of 3 slots, and so on.
The following table shows the changes at different Lowpower Mode settings. The actual current draw
depends on many factors. The table below gives only a qualitative indication of supply current savings. A
low number reduces latency and a high number reduces current consumption.
0 Lowpower,
LED’s dimmed, transceiver remains awake, transceiver is listening to the
Master’s transmissions on every slot, and transceiver’s data port is shut down
if the RTS line is deasserted (low). In this case, the transceiver needs to be
awakened before it will be able to send data to the Master.
LED’s dimmed, transceiver sleeps every other slot
LED’s dimmed, transceiver sleeps 2 of 3 slots
LED’s dimmed, transceiver sleeps the number of slots corresponding to the
setting. For example, with a setting of 31 the transceiver sleeps 30 of 31 slots.
Current Draw