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FreeWave Technologies 
April 10, 2009 

400 MHz Licensed Installation Manual



LIG0011AA Rev A 

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Models LRS-455-C and LRS-455-CE 



The devices covered by this Report are wireless data transceivers.  They must be 
installed in a suitable enclosure. 


Conditions of Acceptability

 – When installed in the end use equipment, the following 

considerations are to be examined: 

1.  The transceivers shall be mounted within an enclosure which is suitable for the intended 

application.  The enclosure shall also have provisions for Division 2 wiring methods as 
specified in the National Electrical Code or Canadian Electrical Code, as applicable. 

2.  The transceivers must be used within their Recognized ratings and transmission rate. 
3.  Installations and use should be in accordance with the National Electrical Code or 

Canadian Electrical Code, as applicable. 

4.  The connectors shall not be connected or disconnected while circuit is alive unless area 

is known to be nonhazardous.  Connector J2 is only used for programming the device; it 
has not been evaluated as a non-incendive circuit.. 

5.  Must be connected to a Class 2 source. 
6.  The diagnostics port and cable do not have a latching connector and cannot be used in a 

hazardous location. 


A.  Transceiver installation steps 



LRS-455 transceivers should not be powered on without a load connected to the antenna 

port. Powering a LRS-455 transceiver without a load can damage the radio. 


To install the LRS-455 series transceivers, follow the basic steps given below. 


Mount the transceiver to the flat, stable surface using mounting holes in the corners of the 
transceiver.  Transceiver models sold under FCC ID KNY821191151819 are to be installed 
professionally in NEMA enclosures.



Install the antenna and connect the antenna feedline to the transceiver.  If you are installing a 
directional antenna, preset the antenna’s direction appropriately.  The antenna must be 
professionally installed on fixed-mounted permanent outdoor structures for satisfying RF 
exposure requirements.



Connect a computer to the transceiver’s RS232 port (please refer to the part C of this 
addendum for more information about the transceiver’s pin assignment).  This computer will 
be used to set the radio’s configurations.



Install the power for the radio.



Set the radio configuration according to the system topology and data terminal equipment 
requirements.  Default transceiver settings allow user to do a quick installation without major 

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