MSC8156-EVM Hardware Getting Started, Rev. 0
Freescale Semiconductor
Next Steps
Next Steps
The procedures in this document describe the basic hardware setup. Once board operation is verified, you
can proceed to download the Freescale CodeWarrior IDE software to your host PC. See the MSC8156EVM
Software Installation Guide included on the kit documentation CD.
Once the software is set up, you can connect the USB cable between the MSC8156EVM J13 and the
development platform (PC or laptop, for example) with the CodeWarrior software installed to begin the
configuration and debugging process. Alternately, you can use the alternate debugging connection through
an external USB tap connected through a 14-pin ribbon cable to the 14-ping OnCE/JTAG header on the
board. Further instructions for running a debug session are provided in the application note Configuring a
CodeWarrior for StarCore DSPs Project for the MSC8156EVM Board (AN4229) included on your
documentation CD.
You may configure the MSC8156 to use the Ethernet ports (J6 and J7). A single Ethernet cable is supplied
with the EVM to allow connection between the EVM and an external Ethernet switch. An Ethernet
crossover cable (not supplied) can be used for a direct connection to an Ethernet port on an external PC,
for example. Basic Ethernet drivers are provided as part of the SmartDSP OS software shipped with the
CodeWarrior IDE and the EVM update software. This software is delivered as an enablement, intended for
use by customers to develop applications.