Getting to Know the Hardware
KT22XS4200UG Rev. 1.0
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
The direct input selection for channel 0 (IN0)
Direct input IN0 is internally tied to ground by internal
pull-down resistor
Direct input IN0 is connected to banana plug J5
Direct input IN0 is connected to the USB/SPI dongle JP1
Direct input IN0 is tied to VDD i.e HS0 is fully ON
The direct input selection for channel 1 (IN1)
Same description as for JP2
The supply of MC74HC4049 (U7) is con-
nected or disconnected to reduce consump-
tion of D5, D6 & D7 on board
D5, D6, D7 are not supplied therefore state of FSB, FSOB, and
RSTB is not reflected on LEDs
D5, D6, D7 are supplied therefore state of FSB, FSOB, and
RSTB is reflected on LEDs
SYNC Signal
SYNC signal is open drain, without any jumper the SYNC sig-
nal is only available on the test point TP5.
In that configuration, an external pull-up resistor is required
outside the EVB.
SYNC signal is open drain, SYNC is connected to on-board
pull-up resistor to VDD
Recommended position for regular use of SYNC signal
SYNC is directly connected to the 1 mm banana plug, the
SYNC signal is not connected to pull-up resistor.
In that configuration, an external pull-up resistor is required
outside the EVB.
Table 7. Jumper Definitions (continued)