Application Example 1—Low-Speed Stand Alone
S12XF Starter Kit, Rev. 1
Freescale Semiconductor
Figure 1. Connected EVBs
Application Example 1—Low-Speed Stand Alone
For a detailed description of how to download the code to the
EVB9S12XF512E, refer to Section 4 of the EVB9S12XF512E User Manual
(document number EVB9S12XF512EUM) included on the user
documentation CD.
Load the EVB9S12XF512E_StandAlone_LS.mcp project into the board. In this example project the
EVB9S12XF512E is configured to operate as an isolated board. Its local communication modules and the
input/output capabilities are exercised to allow basic tests of the EVB hardware integrity as well as
verifying the code downloading procedure.
The functions performed in this example project are:
Real-time interrupt configured to 500 ms period and used as the base time for the task scheduler
SPI master operating at 500 kHz
System basis chip (SBC) initialized in debug mode
FlexRay module configured for wake-up frames transmission at 1.25 Mbit/s
IRQ detection when SW2 is pressed; interrupt service indicated by toggling D26
Input capture IOC7 stimulated by SW3; interrupt serviced by the XGATE and indicated by
toggling D24
Microcontroller successive tasks are separated by 1 s intervals, the general-purpose LEDs are
continuously toggled by columns in this sequence:
— LEDs D22, D27, and D29
CAN cable
DC power