Bad John
Dear Customer,
You have bought the
Bad John
, a competitive indoor aerobatic plane. Before you start building the plane, read carefully the
instructions and make sure you understand the sequence of operations. In case of difficulties, contact your vendor or the manufacturer.
Part description:
Part description
Part description
EPP wing
EPP fuselage
Building instructions
Control horn
Carbon wing joiners (1x 130 mm carbon)
EPP fuselage reinforcement
Reinforcement of EPP fuselage sides (carbon
EPP pushrod ducts
Elevator and rudder pushrods (carbon
Carbon firewall
Wing reinforcements (1x330)
Elevator pushrods
Landing gear legs
20 mm landing gear wheels
Landing gear formers left + right
Ailerons from 3mm depron
Rudder pushrod ending (carbon 1x160)
Elevator pushrod ending (carbon 1x90)
You will also need:
CA glue, CA styro glue, CA activator, sharp hobby knife, clear adhesive tape 10 mm. Receiver (MZK), 3 micro servos (Waypoint
W-038 or W-060), ESC (TMM 0710-3 or Jeti 04), battery pack (2 to 3 cell LiPol 340-400 mAh), motor (HCS 40/2 or similar, power
cca 40W, propeller GWS 8x4
Model description:
The fuselage and wings are made of EPP, the ailerons, rudder and elevator are made of depron. The plane is suitable for competitive
indoor flying in the F3P and Aeromusical category. With its AUW from 155 it is an ideal model to fly both competitive and trainig
indoor aerobatics. It is suitable for both experienced pilots and beginners, because of its good flying characteristics and its durable
EPP fuselage. You can use motor from our production, e.g. HCS C 40/2 and 2 LiPol cells. The building should take about 240
Make hole for servos
and glued then. Put the EPP side former on the fuselage; use ruler to keep it straight. Shorten in the
back as necessary, attach with a drop of CA glue (
fig 2
). Cut a shallow grove in einforcement of EPP fuselage Aires (10mm up and
down from axis) and glue 2 carbon pieces 1mm to EPP
Fig. 3.
Connect all electric instalation and test its functionality! It will become part of the plane with limited possibility of removal.
3 servos with receiver and ESC insert into the fuselage and glue the elevator and rudder servos. Attach the second side former and
attach at several points using CA glue. Cut a shallow grove along the former and glue in 690 mm carbon wire.
In the front part of both side formers, cut out wedge shaped pieces of EPP 3 x 60 mm
Fig 9
. Press the side former to the fuselage
and glue. Control that the fuse is straight and glue the side formers and carbon wires all the way along the fuselage. Clean cut the
front of the fuse, attach the carbon firewall
Prepare ESC and solder them to your motor. Insert the motor into the firewall, set a right thrust of 3,5°and fix by a CA glue. Cut
out the stabilizer slot from the side formers
Fig 2
. Bevel the elevator leading edge, use clear tape to attach to the stabilizer.
Fig. 5
In a similar way proceed with the rudder
fig 4
, Glued rudder and elevátor
Fig. 5
Gluing both wing halves together, as shown on
, using either the standard CA glue or the five-minute epoxy. Then insert and
glue the 1 mm thick carbon rot to both surfaces of the wing halves, (
Fig. 11
), and secure the joint with the CA glue. This operation
should be carried out on a flat surface (plate glass, thick chipboard), to ensure that no dihedral/anhedral is built into the wing.
With Styro CA glued aileron
Fig. 8
. Insert wing into the slot in fuselage, check the geometry and glue with CA
Fig. 13
. Now glue
second aileron
Fig. 9
Cut and glue control horns. Install carbon pushrods
10,12 ,15,16
Recommended: most carbon rods can be bent after heating up. Use lighter or soldering iron for 1 to 2 seconds to soften the resin
and bend the carbon wire.. Now we have a flexible joint that can be used for instance to landing gear (further in this document). To
stiffen the joint and create a fixed bend, use drop of CA glue.
Use 2 carbon rods with bends at their respective ends to make one complete pushrods. Glue together with cca 20 mm overlap to
achieve the right lenght of the bend. Such junction can be always split apart using hobby knife and readjusted. The pushrods are
routed through EPP guides.
Fig 12,17
. Increase the wheel axis holes to 1,6 mm diameter.
.„Heat bend“ the landing gear legs 1,5x200mm, fix the bend by a drop of CA. Install the wheels, use a drop of CA to prevent the
wheels falling off. Again, sharpen the other end of the legs. String the carbon pad on the leg and run the leg into the fuselage up to
fig 19
. Check the lenght and geometry of the landing gear and glue everything into place.
fig 21
Install control horns into the ailerons. Use 4 pieces of carbon 1x60 to make the aileron pushrods, adjust the lenghts and glue
Fig 18
. The battery slot shall be cut into the side formers after maiden flight and finding the right centre of gravity. The
recommended C of G is 70 to 90 mm from the wing leading edge (optimum is 80 mm). For the first flights use velcro or double
sided adhesive tape to mount the battery.
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