Parts of your
Fräulein Hübsch Mei Tai
GeT acquaINTed WITH youR MeI TaI BeFoRe FIRST uSe!
FRäuleIN HüBScH MeI TaI BaBySIze suitable for babies aged 0 – approx. 1.5 years
(clothes sizes 50 – 80/86)
suitable for children aged 8 months – approx. 3 years (clothes sizes 74/80 – 98).
Suitable for people with a hip circumference of 65 – 130 cm, extendable to 150cm.
Backrest material with diagonal weave to support the spine and proper development of the hip.
Backrest is steplessly adjustable.
Padded hip belt with buckle and steplessly adjustable width.
Headrest, adjustable to baby’s head size.
Fräulein Hübsch