B Spelling Bee
Spelling Bee flashes a word from either your User List or
the main dictionary for an amount of time determined by
you. You then try to retype the word.
Press PLAY, then press "B". Press
to choose your
User List or the main dictionary (if you have words in your
User List), the word size (3-14), and the speed (1-10). One
is slow and ten is fast. Press ENTER after each choice. A
word will appear for a moment. Then the screen will ask
for the answer.
Type the word you just saw. If you spell it correctly, “You
Win!!”, if you spell it incorrectly, "Sorry, you lost" will
appear on the screen along with the word. Press INFO to
see your score.
C Hangman
After you set the game options you will see question
marks representing a mystery word. Type a letter. If it's in
the mystery word, it will take the place of the correspond-
ing question mark. If it's not in the word, you will see "Not
in word!" The number of guesses remaining is to the right
of the mystery word. Press ENTER to play another round.
Press INFO to see your score.