Notice ........................................................ 4
Key Guide ................................................. 5
Installing the Digital Book ...................... 7
Resuming Where You Left Off .............................. 7
Changing the Settings ............................. 8
Viewing a Demonstration ...................................... 8
Follow the Arrows .................................................. 8
Using the Outline ..................................... 9
Using the Outline Shortcuts .................................. 10
Help is Always at Hand ......................................... 10
Understanding the Outline .................................... 11
Finding Drug Equivalents ...................................... 11
Using the Abbreviations Glossary ......................... 11
Using the Index ........................................ 12
Viewing Complete Menu Items ............................. 12
Reading the Text ...................................... 13
Where in the Book Am I? ...................................... 13
Going to the Outline from the Text ........................ 13
Reading Footnotes and References ...... 14
A Footnote and Reference Shortcut ..................... 15
Using Cross-References ....................................... 15
Viewing Abbrev. Meanings in the Text .................. 15
Searching for Words ............................... 16
If You Misspell a Word ........................................... 17
Expanding Your Searches ..................................... 18