in menus 16
in verses 24
LIST key 27
MENU key 6, 7
section 7
viewing 6
zooming up and down 8
MORE key 19
New menu 7
No Matches menu 15
Old menu 7
ON/OFF key 4
Ordered searches 16, 17
Other menu 6, 29
Phrases, finding 16-17
Pick a Width menu 16
Pick a Shutoff Time
menu 30
Pick a Type Size menu 29
Pick a Word to Expand
menu 20
Pick Which Request Type
menu 10
Request line 5
Screen contrast 4
Search menu 18
Search width 16, 17
expansion levels 22
ordered 16
picking words in verses 23
too common words 24
Sections 10
verses 32
words 31-32
SHIFT key 9
Shutoff time 29, 30
SPACE key 6, 9
SPEC key 7, 14
Specifications 36
Spelling correction 15
Type size, changing 29
abbreviations 10
colons 9
numbers 9
spaces 9
search words 21
searches 19
UP key 11
book, chapter, verse no.12
bookmark list 27
demo 6
footnotes 25
help messages 6
menus 6, 7
section menus 7, 8
verses 11
word counts 12
Warranty 37