Average Daily Price (AvePrc) • The average
closing price of a stock within a 52 Week
Average Daily Volume (AveVol) • The average
total daily volume traded within a 52 Week
Beta Factor (Beta) • A statistical coefficient
providing a rough measure of a stock’s price
volatility compared to the market, represented
by the S&P 500 Index. Beta is calculated from
the most recent three years of stock pricing
data. For example, a stock with a of 2.0 beta is
twice as volatile as the market (i.e., it has gone
up or down twice as much as the market).
Conversely, a stock with a 0.5 beta bears half
the risk of the S&P 500 Index.
Date of 52 Week High (DataHi) • The date of the
52 Week high price.
Date of 52 Week Low (DataLo) • The date of the
52 Week low price.
Dividend Payout Ratio (Payout) • The
percentage of earnings per share returned to
shareholders in the form of dividends per
share. Payout is calculated by dividing the total