This electronic cookbook has a feature
that will help you tailor recipes to the
ingredients you have on hand. For in-
stance, if you have eggs, cheese, and
almonds, enter them to find recipes
including all three ingredients.
1. Press
2. Type up to three ingredients
eggs cheese almonds
NOTE: You don’t have to type
capitals or punctuation.
3. Press
4. Press
to view the recipe.
Searching by Ingredients
Tips for Beginners
Viewing Full Menu Items
Some recipe names and other menu
items are followed by ellipses
because they are too long to fit on
one line.
At any highlighted menu item, press
to view the complete item.
Where In the Book Am I?
To find out where you are in the
cookbook outline, press
in text.
When you press
in text, you do
not go to the outline itself, but rather
to a snapshot of your outline
location. Press
to return to