Using the Color Keys
The red, green, yellow, and blue keys on
your BOOKMAN change functions ac-
cording to which book is selected.
When the built-in book is selected, the
color keys function as labelled on the
BOOKMAN keyboard. When a car-
tridge book is selected, the color keys
function as labelled on that cartridge.
Remember, the color keys for BOOK-
MAN books in cartridges function as
labelled on their cartridges, not as on
the keyboard.
Changing Settings
You can adjust the font size, shutoff
time, and the default state.
Set Type
Size changes the number of lines of
text that appear on screen. The shut-
off time is how long BOOKMAN stays
on if you forget to turn it off.
Set De-
fault State lets you set which screen
you will go to when you press
1. Press
2. Press the arrow keys to
highlight the Other menu.
3. Highlight
Set Type Size
Default State, Set Shutoff
, or
Set Contrast
The indicates subtopics.
4. Press
5. Highlight a setting.
6. Press
to select it.
Typing Numbers
To type numbers in your BOOK-
MAN, hold
while pressing a
numbered key.