General information
Intended use
3. Structure
Scope of delivery
profi-air preheater
installation and operating instructions
To guarantee faultless functioning and
for reasons of safety, all subsequent
remarks and notes must be read and
observed in detail.
The storage location must be protected
from water and free from temperature
fluctuations. Damages caused by
improper transport, storage or commis-
sioning are not covered by warranty.
The profi-air preheater DN 160/2kW is
an air preheating device which can be
integrated in the fresh air pipe of ventila-
tion systems (profi-air 250 / 400 touch)
and which is intended to protect the
heat exchanger from freezing conden-
sate. The preheater can be switched on
and off through the frost protection
strategy deposited in the ventilation
device. The electrical preheater must be
connected with the control of the profi-
air 250 / 400 touch ventilation unit via
the sensor connection box (necessary
accessory Part No. 78300830). This con-
trol ensures that the defroster heating
only operates in case of freezing danger
in the cross counterflow heat exchanger.
The profi-air preheater comprises a
heat-insulated box made of expanded
polypropylene. A PTC heating element
and a prefilter with filter class G3 are
installed in this box. The PTC heating
element adjusts the power consumption
to the power output required to avoid
freezing. The installed G3 prefilter pro-
tects the PTC heating element from con-
fully isolated box made of EPP with
integrated PTC heating element and
G3 filter
2 x connecting nipples DN 160 with
lip seal
separate electrical connection box
with load relay
3 m connection cable
MA profi-air preheater