2017 FOXTECH All Rights Reserved
GAIA 160HY-Hybrid DJI A3 PRO
User Manual
DJI A3 Pro Flight Control System Overview
Flight Controller
[1] IMU1
Communicates with the IMU Pro module. Connected before delivery.
[2] CAN1
Dedicated DJI CAN-Bus port. Communicates with the GPS-Compass Pro module or other DJI devices
(e.g. Real Time Kinematic (RTK) GPS system, gimbals).
[3] OrientationArrow
Points to the front of the aircraft.
[4] Status Indicator
Indicates the status of the flight controller and triple modular redundancy system.
[5] RF Port
Communicates with the DJI Lightbridge 2 Air System. Connected to the Lightbridge 2 Air System upon
[6] iESC Port
Communicates with the DJI Smart ESC. Connected to the DJI Smart ESC upon delivery.
[7] M1-M8Pins
Connects to the corresponding ESC PWM port for each motor. M1-M6 have been connected to the
ESCs and M7 has been connected to the ground upon delivery. M8 is reserved.
[8] LED Port
Communicates with the LED module. Connected to the Aircraft Status Indicator upon delivery.
[9] IMU2 Port
Communicates with the IMU Pro module. Connected before delivery.
[10] PMU Port
Derives power from the PMU Connected to the PMU upon delivery.
[11] CAN2
Communicates with an SDK device.
[12] API Port
Communicates with an SDK device.
[13] F5-F8 Pins
Multifunction PWM output ports.
[14] F1-F4Pins
Multifunction PWM output ports. The fan control cable (1-pin) has been connected to the F1 pin and the
landing gear servo cable has been connected to the F2 pin upon delivery.
[15] S-Bus Port
The fan power cable (2-pin) has been connected to the S-Bus port upon delivery.