Memory Configuration
► DCT Unganged Mode
DCT stands for DRAM Controller.
Ganged refers to the use of both DRAM controllers within a memory controller acting in con-
cert to access memory. For a description of ganged (128-bit DRAM data width) and unganged
(64-bit DRAM data width) DRAM modes :
Ganged channels (DDR2) :
DCT channels A and B can be ganged as a single logical 128-bit DIMM.
Offers highest DDR2 bandwidth.
Requires both DIMMs in a logical pair to have identical size and timing parameters, both
DCTs programmed identically.
Unganged channels
■ DCT channels A and B operate as two completely independent 64-bit channels (both chan
nels operate at the same frequency).
■ Reduce DRAM page conflicts – more concurrent open dram pages .
■ Better bus efficiency.
Burst lengths supported
When both DCTs are enabled in unganged mode, BIOS must initialize the frequency of each
DCT in order.
CMOS Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 1985-2006, American Megatrends, Inc.
Memory Configuration
Memory Configuration
Help Item
DCT Unganged Mode
This allows selection of
unganged DRAM mode
(64-bit width).
Auto= Ganged mode
Always=Unganged mode
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