7320 IFL Installation and User’s Guide
Set Up
Foxcom Proprietary Information
Document No. 93-005-28-C
3.1.5. Powering the IFL
Transmitter power requirement - 15VDC @ 300 mA (excluding LNB Drive
Receiver power requirement - 15VDC @ 230 mA
The Standalone Transmitter/Receiver can be powered by a Foxcom-supplied
external DC power supply.
The Rackmount Transmitters/Receivers are plugged into the 7000M
rackmount chassis. The chassis can accept and power up to six units.
At temperatures below 10
C, the Transmitter’s internal heater will require an
additional 100 mA. The Transmitter’s total power requirement will then be
400 mA.
Ensure that there is a good airflow around the chassis rackmount.
7000M Chassis
The 7000M Chassis provides power to the plug in units. The power supply is
a linear unregulated type. Each plug in unit regulates its own voltage. The
7000M provides:
15 -18 VDC (unregulated) @ 2.2 amps power
AC input @ 110/220 VAC (user selected)
Units can be plugged in “hot standby”
An internal 5 amp fuse
7000S (optional) Hot standby power supply
For applications demanding the utmost in reliability and uptime, the 7000S
standby power supply can be optionally plugged in to the standard chassis. The
7000S features hot swapping - supplies may be installed and removed even
during operation. Each power supply is fully redundant and can power a
completely loaded chassis on its own should its "partner" fail. During normal
operation the two units share the load by means of current steering diodes
located on the rear panel.