FOX203 | 5
Nexwell Engineering | biuro.techniczne@nexwell.eu | www.nexwell.eu | Fox | Smart home
Nexwell | Fox | Instruction manual
4 | Configuration
The device Fox LED needs to be configured through a computer and the appli
cation FoxMaker. It is a licensed freeware, and can be found on the producer’s
website www.nexwell.eu
The first step is to add a new device, in this case Fox LED, assign an unique
name, and set the identical address, which was set during the connection
Screenshot FoxMaker – editor configuration Fox LED
Configuration of the RGB and LED outputs. To configure the output, you
need to give it an unique name, and select the time from the
slope (Rampa)
Screenshot FoxMaker – configuration of the outputs
The complete project can be added to the Fox system.
The module Fox LED can configure maximum eight LED or two RGB outputs. Any not con
figured inputs/outputs are marked in yellow colour – after their configuration/usage the
colour disappears.
For further details on creating and uploading a project to the Fox system, have a look on
the documents of the FoxMaker. The current version can be downloaded from the produ
cer’s website: www.nexwell.eu
Slope, Rampa – is the length of the lightening time.