Fostex started a revolution 18 years ago
inventing timecode DAT and portable timecode
DAT and now they’re doing it all over again
with the new revelation in digital recording -
Timecode DVD-RAM.
Removable DVD-RAM
Fostex chose DVD-RAM as the most suitable
successor to DAT after extensive research and
testing. DVD-RAM has excellent reliability and
has already established itself as the film
industry’s preferred media format due to its
built-in error correction and longevity. This
security is enhanced by the Fostex’s proprietory
‘Verify/Write’ technology which constantly
examines the recorded data being stored on
DVD-RAM, in real-time, for error-free recording.
Plus, ensuring compatibility throughout the
industry and maximising the DVD-RAM
technology, the DV40, PD-6 and new DV824 can
record multiple channels of simultaneous audio
(4 with the DV40, 6 with the PD-6 and no less
than 8 with the new DV824), in a vast number of
permutations and in BWF (PD-6, DV40 and
DV824) or SDII (DV40 only) formats.
In a class of their own
With superb audio quality, up to 24-bit /
available, flexible and comprehensive
timecode facilities and ‘common sense’
usability, Fostex DV40, PD-6 and DV824
Timecode DVD-RAM machines are not just
class leaders, they’re totally in a class all of
their own.
The New Industry Standard
All the standard clock references of word and video are
included with the ability to resolve to incoming timecode.
The DV40, PD-6 and DV824 are capable of recording up to
24bit audio depending on recording mode used.
As the UDF (Universal Disc Format) is utilized, discs can be
read by any computer OS (Windows, Mac, etc.) which
makes for easy transfer of audio files to and from the
recorders for external editing.
The Removable Media Revelation
Chris Munro - Sound Mixer
One of the world’s leading
Production Sound Mixers and a
BAFTA and Oscar™ award
winner, Chris used Fostex
Timecode DVD-RAM technology
for audio acquisition on the latest
James Bond hit ‘Die Another
Day’. Chris has pioneered the
‘magless dailies’ process, (see
bottom left), which saved the
production a small fortune.
Always in demand, Chris is
recognised as setting quality
standards in the film industry.
Movie Production
Joe Kenworthy - NYPD Blue
Sound mixer Joe uses Fostex
Timecode DVD-RAM machines
for audio acquisition on the ever-
popular NYPD Blue TV series.
“The big thing for me is that I get
a digital file from the beginning,
and all our digital editing
machines can take those files
and begin to work, with less
transfer time. We are using a
first-generation signal all the way
through the chain, which keeps
quality high, and it’s quicker, with
no conversions involved.”
TV Production
Jay Hartigan - Shooters Post
Jay has been a production sound
mixer for the past 25 years and is
one of three owners of Shooters
Post & Transfer, a Philadelphia
based production facility. “Every
day we transfer 1/4" production
sound to our DV-40 for film
transfer. It turns what was once a
slow, tedious sync session into a
fast easy job. Once the field
sound is on DVD-RAM we no
longer have to wait for the audio
to sync. It’s always right there.”
Post Production
Audio acquisition direct to DVD-RAM in
BWF. Scene, slate, take, reel &
timecode automatically stamped to
each file/take.
Fast import of the day's audio files, direct
from DVD-RAM, into Avid Film Composer. All
takes already automatically labelled. After
sync to picture, quick export of the audio track
to the DVD-RAM 'daily disc'.
No real-time batch digitizing of audio into editor - save time
No expensive making of mag stock for daily rushes - save money
'Dailies disc' can be played on a DV40
synced to the screening room's
projector with instant lock and hi-
speed playback features as standard.
No need to covert or
batch digitize audio
No need to make
mag stock
Sound Mixer Chris Munro pioneered the ‘magless dailies’ concept, originally
with the Fostex PD-4 DAT, and has refined it with the use of Fostex's DVD-
RAM products and was honoured with the Charles Parkhouse Award for his
work in this area. The day’s audio can be loaded into a non-linear editor
complete with all auto-generated scene, take, reel info and more, in just a
couple of minutes for each hour of audio directly from the DVD-RAM disc,
with no additional software! After syncing to picture, an export to another
DVD-RAM disc produces the 'daily disc'. The editor gets all his labelling done
for him by the acquisition machine, along with a guide audio track; the
production team watch rushes in original digital audio; and most importantly,
the production saves tens of thousands of dollars by not having to use (and
store!) expensive mag stock, and wiping off hours from the post process.
‘Magless Dailies’
Fostex Timecode DVD-RAM recorders
are currently being used in major film,
TV and post production applications in
the USA, Europe and beyond. Fostex
actively encourages user feedback and
continually develops the products
incorporating new features and
enhancing usability...
192kHz available on
DV40 only
Dependent on
Ken Mclaughlin
On the set of ‘Meet the
Fockers’, the sequel to
‘Meet the Parents’.
Ken Fuller
TV shows including
Superman, Homefront,
Crossing Jordan and
Art Rochester
Works on most Jack
Nicholson movies
including ‘Somethings
Gotta Give’.
Dave Macmillan
Winner of 3 Oscars:
Including Appolo 13
with Tom Hanks, and