Rev. 1.8
505 Keystone Rd, Southampton, PA 18966, USA
(877) 497 6937
3.1 Unboxing Check list
Please confirm and do not discard the following items:
CAN Bus Term Cap.
Installed on the last available
communication port of the eFlex when paralleling multiple
batteries. The terminator is installed backwards into the cap.
RJ45 adaptor.
Installed between the eFlex communication
port and the battery inverter during closed loop
communication on compatible inverter systems. Alternately,
this can be used along with a RS485 cable as a CAN bus
terminator if the Can Bus term cap are lost.
RS485 cable + RJ45 Cable + Cable glands.
included RS485 cables are waterproof and moisture
proof. Please match environmental ratings of
additional RS485 cables if appropriate.
Battery Terminal Caps.
Place these caps over battery
terminals to protect against accidental contact.
Mounting Brackets
Floor Mount Bracket x 2
The floor mounts secure the eFlex to a
wall or structure to prevent accidental tipping over of the batteries.
Other kinds of mounting brackets are available for purchase.