Shelf Manager CLI
Fortinet Technologies Inc.
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
90: LUN: 0, Sensor # 13 ("CPU Board Temp")
Type: Threshold (0x01), "Temperature" (0x01)
Belongs to entity: (0x3, 96) [FRU # 0]
# clia sensor 8890 "CPU Board Temp"
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
90: LUN: 0, Sensor # 13 ("CPU Board Temp")
Type: Threshold (0x01), "Temperature" (0x01)
Belongs to entity: (0x3, 96) [FRU # 0]
clia sensordata [-v] [-t] [<IPMB-address> [<sensor-name> | [<lun>:]<sensor-number>]]
This command displays the actual value of the specified sensor or sensors (for a threshold based sensor) or the currently
asserted states (for a discrete sensor). The target sensor is selected by entering the IPM controller’s IPMB address and
the sensor number or the sensor name. If you do not include the sensor name or number, the command displays the
values of all sensors on the specified IPM controller. If you do not enter any parameters, the command displays values
of all known sensors.
The following information is displayed for each sensor:
IPMB address of the owning IPM controller.
Sensor number, sensor name (device ID string from the SDR) and the LUN by which the sensor can be accessed.
The sensor type and event/reading type code.
The sensor value (for threshold-based sensors) or the mask of currently asserted states (for discrete sensors) in raw
The threshold crossing status, in hexadecimal format and with decoding.
to displayed information only for threshold-based sensors, that have at least one of their thresholds crossed.
Example for physical slot 411(logical slot 48and IPMB address 90) and sensor 13, a temperature sensor:
# clia sensordata 90 13
Pigeon Point Shelf Manager Command Line Interpreter
8890: LUN: 0, Sensor # 13 ("CPU Board Temp")
Type: Threshold (0x01), "Temperature" (0x01)
Status: 0xc0
All event messages enabled from this sensor
Sensor scanning enabled
Initial update completed
Raw data: 44 (0x2c)
Processed data: 44.000000 degrees C
Status: 0x00
setthreshold <IPMB-address> <sensor-name> <threshold-type> [-r] <value>
setthreshold <IPMB-address> [<lun>:]<sensor-number> <threshold-type> [-r] <value>
FortiGate-5144C 6.2.3 Chassis Guide