FortiDB Version 3.2 Utilities User Guide
Auto Discovery
Discovered Database Information Populating Connection Form
The process will automatically return:
• Database Type and version
• IP address (with port if applicable)
• Database name/instance
Once the Auto Discovery list is returned, you can create, by clicking the
button on the
Discovered Database Applications
screen, the database
connections you wish to assess or monitor.
The additional required and recommended fields will need to be completed
manually. (See the
FortiDB MA Administration Guide
for more information on
setting up connections)
Auto Discovery does not return the database name and version for DB2 UDB with
V8 Fix Pack 10.
It is sometimes necessary to temporarily open another port in your firewall to
make sure the Auto Discovery program communicates with all SQL Server
versions. You should configure the firewall on your target machine so that it allows
UDP packets: