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Documentation and Links
The following Fortinet web pages provide information and resources for your Fortinet product:
1. Customer Service & Support:
On this page you can create a support account with Fortinet, register and manage your
products, download updates, firmware images and release notes, and create technical
support tickets.
2. Technical Documentation:
This page provides the most up-to-date versions of Fortinet publications for the entire family
of Fortinet products. The following guides provide more information on the installation and
configuration of your FortiAP unit:
Deploying Wireless Networks:
This guide describes how to configure wireless
networks with FortiWiFi, FortiGate, and FortiAP units.
Wireless Starter Kit:
This guide provides example configurations of FortiAP thin
wireless access points.
PoE Injector QuickStart Guide:
This guide describes the Fortinet Gigabit PoE
Injector and provides basic installation instructions.
3. Knowledge Base:
This page provides Fortinet technical documentation, such as troubleshooting, how-to
articles, example configurations , FAQs, technical notes, and more.
4. Technical Discussion Forums:
This page allows you to communicate with other customers and Fortinet partners about
Fortinet products, services, and configuration issues in a forum environment.
5. Training Services:
This page provides course descriptions, availability, schedules, and locations of training
programs in your area.
6. FortiGuard Threat Research and Response:
This page provides up-to-date information on vulnerabilities and threats, and includes a virus
scanner, Internet Protocol (IP) signature look-up, web filtering tools, and related information.
Tools and Documentation CD
The tools and documents on this CD are current as of shipping time.
Comments on Technical Documentation
Please send comments or information about any errors or omissions in this or any Fortinet
technical documents to