2. 'Refresh Success' message will pop up after done
VOD watched list
This is shown in History group of VOD section
1. Move to Histroy group in VOD section
2. To remove a single history
Focus on the list which you want to delete and press and hold 'OK' button on
the remote
3. To clear all the history
Press the 'TRASH' icon on the top left corner of the screen.
Delete VOD watched list history
VOD watched list is shown in History group of VOD section.
In case you want to delete some or all of the list, please follow the steps below to
delete VOD history.
1. Move to Histroy group in VOD section
2. To remove a single history
Focus on the list which you want to delete and press and hold 'OK' button on
the remote
3. To clear all the history
Press the 'TRASH' icon on the top left corner of the screen.