Station Adapter Mode
Acting as a station adapter, the KWO5000 is linked to other access points.
Figure 25 Wireless Station Adapter
Take the following steps to build your station adapter.
Configure the KWO5000 mode as a station adapter.
establish a tie between station1 and station2 and the AP..
Wirelessly connect the KWO5000 to the AP via BSSID.
Wireless Bridging Mode
It provides the two bridging modes. Wireless Point-to-Point Bridge and Wireless Point
to Multi-Point Bridge.
From the WDS Mode, enter the MAC Address of the AP you desire to connect as
Local MAC Address
This field provides the KWO5000 MAC address.
Remote MAC Address
Enter the MAC Address of your desired devices connected to the KWO5000 in WDS
Uplink Speed Limit