Manual - Formech Compac Mini
Porous mould materials such as wood and plaster should be properly sealed to prevent the vacuum pump
from sucking out any moisture or sawdust, loose plaster etc. The vacuum circuit may quickly become blocked
with dust or slurry if moulds are not properly sealed.
As the plastic cools after forming it will contract, gripping the tool tightly. If the tool has been made with
sloping sides and has a good surface finish it will release more easily. Where the draft angle must be kept to
a minimum a release agent may be used to assist release.
Sealed moulds will usually release more easily. Silicon based release agents may be used on more difficult
moulds. Silicon based release agents are rapidly absorbed by porous (unsealed) moulds, rendering them
The baseboard can be made from either MDF or aluminium and needs to be 3.00 – 4.00mm (1/8”) thick.
The vacuum hole can be 19.00 – 20.00mm (3/4”) diameter and needs to be positioned 15mm forward of
the centre of the table.
The baseboard has to be 4mm shorter in
both directions than the forming aperture
of the machine e.g. Forming aperture
280mm x 230mm = baseboard size
276mm x 226mm.